
First download or clone the program from the Github page. Remember that NorDB requires Python3. After fetching it to a location of your choosing run the next command in the projects root folder:

pip install .

if your are using pyenv or some other virtual python environment

This also installs all relevant python libraries for the program.

After installation run the command:


To see if the installation was succesful or not. You should be greeted by the help screen of the program.

Getting PostgreSQL to work

If you want to create your own database, before you can do anything with the NorDB program you have to initialise postgreSQL. Here is a handy guide for doing that.

Initialising NorDB

First you have to configure your database for the program:

nordb conf add

If your want to use a local database in your own computer, the configuration should be the following:

Configuration name: my_db_config_name (This can be anything, but you should avoid spaces)
Database name: nordb (The database can have an other name, but this is not supported yet)
Username: my_postgresql_username (your postgresql username that you have created)
Password: my_postgresql_password (This password is not really safe, so you should avoid using any real passwords until a safe method for password safekeeping is found)
Location: local

Then change your current config into your newly created one:

nordb conf change my_db_config_name

Then you need to create the database:

nordb create

If your organization has already a nordb database running on a computer, you can just configure your connection to that:

Configuration name: my_db_config_name (This can be anything, but you should avoid spaces)
Database name: organization_db_name (Usually just nordb)
Username: my_postgresql_username (Your database username. Ask your nordb admin to create one for you)
Password: my_postgresql_password (Remainder: This password is not safe yet)
Location: remote
Host Ip: ip_of_hosting_computer
Host port: host port (Usually 5432)

At this point you should be ready to use the database.